Thursday, February 21, 2013

I write therefore I... Whatever.

Sasha here. It's been a while since I dropped by. Corvid's been on my case, trying to get me to blog again. She doesn't really nag much, just does this annoyingly polite thing trying to convince me to write something. I'm sure she doesn't think it's polite but it is. Not that it's a bad thing, just... I dunno. Foreign somehow.

So yeah, here we are.

I guess I have a few things I could talk about. Or rant or something. But I should go pick up the kids, so... Maybe later. It's what I usually say when I don't know if I'd ever get around to doing something - maybe later. As vague as it gets. It's a horrible thing to say.

So I gotta go. Maybe I'll write something later.

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