On December 15, 1791, through process of ratification by three fourths of the states
The Bill of Rights came into effect as Constitutional Ammendments
The Bill of Rights includes the first ten ammendments to the US Constitution
The purpose of these ammendments are to preserve the natural rights of the citizens of the United States
among these natural rights are the right to freedom of speech
The freedom of association
and the right to assemble peacefully
The First Ammendment of the Bill of Rights prohibits interference with the right to peacfully assemble
and prohibits interference with the right of the people to petition their government for redress of grievances.
According to the Supreme Court of the United States "the right of the people peaceably to assemble for the purpose of petitioning Congress for a redress of grievances, or for anything else connected with the powers or duties of the National Government, is an attribute of national citizenship, and, as such, under protection of, and guaranteed by, the United States" (Justice Morrison Waite, US vs. Cruikshank, US 542 1875)
The 5th and 14th Ammendments of the United States Constitution protect citizens against unnecessary, unreasonable, or excessive force and prohibit cruelty.
We are citizens of the United States of America
We are guaranteed these rights
If those who are meant to protect these rights refuse to do so
Then they must be held accountable.
We are the 99%
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