Thursday, September 15, 2011


<--- that's kind of where I am at right now. I don't really like to carry what is going on in my 3 dimensional life, to my digital one. Nothing worse than listening to someone go on and on about how their life sucks.

But one bad thing that having a hard time does, it screws up your ability to empathize. Empathy is really necessary to a friendship.

Not to mention the fact that I am a bad listener.

I think I pissed Sasha off pretty good today. I am good at that, it's my special power. I am sort of pared down to "take care of shit, just do it," mode. So I have a tendency to barf that all over anyone else who says "I am having a hard time."

I am an imaginer of worlds and a creator of personas. It is because I love to write, it's a passion. But it's also because my world, and who I am... who I really am. Well, not so great. I am sure there is a psychological term for that.

I do not regret what I said. It is where I am right now, and if I came to him, I would expect of all people, the unsentimental, truthful, blunt, unpolitically correct Sasha to give me straight talk, and then tell me to shut the hell up and get on with the business of making things work. But that is because that is who I percieve he is. Just like he most likely percieves a gentle and compassionate Corvid. We just got a small taste of reality.

This blog was not intended to be a forum for he and I to write about each other. We are just taking a small station break to figure a few things out. Regular programming will resume shortly.

To my friend. Sorry about that.

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