Take courage, and stand firm for your convictions. Your movement is Our movement... We, the People.
As you march, and occupy, and hold your ground against those forces who seek to remove you and to still your voice, remember those who have gone before you. Those, who like you, were ridiculed, ignored, discounted, assaulted, accused of being anti-American, and of having nothing important to say...Remember, and take courage.
It took several decades of protests, non-violent civil disobedience, incarcerations, and egregious abuse
at the hands of the establishment before women's voices were heard and they were granted the right to vote. Remember the Suffragists, and take courage.

The Industrial Workers of the World fought against corporation's exploitation of laborers, and for fair treatment of workers. From the IWW's constitution:
The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of working people, and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life. Remember the IWW and take courage.

His first act of non violent civil disobedience occured in South Africa in 1915 protesting excessive taxes and unfair treatment against the resident Indian community. Eventually his persistence and adherence to non cooperation and nonviolence resulted in india's independence in 1947. Remember Mahatma Gandhi, and strengthen your resolve.
Remember the Freedom Rides, The Montgomery Bus Boycott, the lunch counter sit ins, the marches... Remember the Civil Rights Movement, and know that we too can overcome. Remember Reverend King, Reverend Shuttlesworth, Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks, Homer Plessy, Malcolm X, and take heart.

In 1984 protests began in South Africa that led to ultimately 8,100 arrests. In the face of violence and overwhelming odds that 10 year struggle resulted in the end of Apartheid in 1994. Remember Nelson Mandela's 27 years in prison, remember that upon his release he led the nation to a multi-racial democracy. Remember Mandela and take courage.

Remember the Gay Activist Alliance who formed as a result of the NYC Police and Public Morals Squad raid on the Stonewall Inn. Althought Stonewall led to violence, the GAA redirected and employed acts of nonviolent confrontation in order to force city government to acknowledge the human rights of GLBT citizens.
Remember ACT UP and their acts of civil disobedience in order to raise public awareness of AIDS and homophobia.
Remember those who stood up before you against injustice and take courage. Don't you dare sit down, Don't you dare shut up, Don't you dare dissappear.
Perservere. And thank you.
We are the 99%
Occupy Denver
Occupy Wallstreet
Occupy the World
Love your blog. You comments are very relevant and right on target. I am glad I found your blog and once i figure out how to do it I will add you to my list over at the mighty Magpie. Best!--John
ReplyDeletesigh...i just tried and am now following myself. I miss my IBM Selectric...